About Me

Software Engineer with strong math background and 4+ years of experience using predictive modelling, data processing, and data mining algorithms to solve challenging business problems. Involved in various stand-alone projects like health-care, Banking and Digital Marketing.

Python, Django, Flask HTML CSS Template

As a Python Developer I have responsibilities to writing and testing code, debugging programs and integrating applications with third-party web services. To be successful in this role, I have experience using server-side logic and work well in a team. Ultimately, I’ll build highly responsive web applications that align with our business needs.

Machine Learning, Data Scientist, SQL

As a Software Engineer I have responsibilities to identifying business trends and changes through advanced Data Analytics and using a variety of techniques to interpret results from multiple data sources through statistical analysis, data aggregation, and data mining. The very important role is knowledge of Machine Learning techniques, including decision tree learning, clustering, artificial neural networks, etc. and their pros and cons...

What I’m good at?

I'm good at programming, and Database Skills. Also I can inculde I am good with knowlage transfering and helping people.

Data Scientist & Python

I am good at analytical and Programming Skills. I can see how different parts of a process fit together and can predict how small changes will influence the whole organisation.


I have responsible for the implementation, creation and performance of critical SQL Server RDBMS systems, to ensure the availability and consistent performance of applications.


I like traveling and cycling on the hills. also I like to listen varity of song's. My favrouit Singer is Ozuna & Maluma.

Analytics Dashboard

I have knowlage to build analytics dashboard and reports to interface that allows to website performance by tracking metrics like visitors, pageviews, and chat.

My Work

I am keep working during my free time for learning purposes, and some of them are listed below. You can visit my GitHub page to see more such works. .

First Title

free to use our template

Second Title

please tell your friends

Item Third

customize anything

Item Fourth

Re-distribution not allowed

Fifth Awesome

Ut sollicitudin risus

Awesome Sixth

Donec eget massa ante

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me by filling out the following form and submit it.